The New Haven Advocate reports on, a new citizen journalism effort covering Connecticut. It's not a blog but a web newspaper, editor Dan Levine told the Advocate.
The Advocate describes CTNewsJunkie as a hyperlocal site, which doesn't seem like the right description considering it covers an entire state. Heck, Connecticut's got almost as many people as LA.
The Advocate says the site is "surprisingly commentary-free." I guess it's a surprise to the article's authors, but not to anyone who's been following this movement. Just because someone starts a web site that looks like a blog doesn't mean it can't provide straight news coverage.
Levine, an experienced journalist, is reaching out to other citizens to contribute to the site. "However, we make a very serious distinction between reportage and commentary," he writes on the site. "All of our stories feature information gathered through real journalistic legwork. That's not to say we don't welcome your opinions -- we want to hear them! Our comment boards are the ideal place for any thoughts you care to air."